The Academy seeks to promote Islamic legal philosophy and orientation in Islamic Law including the Islamic concept of Justice through the training of judges, attorneys, prosecutors, legal professionals, etc. who collectively operate our judicial system. It aims at preparing the judicial and extra-judicial cadres through Trainings and workshops to reflect the aspirations of the people and constitutional imperatives for Pakistan towards the Islamisation of laws and the society as well as the enforcement of the rule of Shariah in accordance with the commandments of the Quran and Sunnah. The Academy also extends its training programs to develop expertise to other friendly countries and coordinates exchange of training facilities. The efforts of the Academy are based on the assumption that the process of Islamisation of the Laws and the society would be facilitated if our intellectuals holding responsible positions in the governance of the country and the administration of justice develop a clear understanding of Shariah and possess of professional competence and skills for its implementation.
The Department of Training has so far successfully completed 62 Shari`ah Courses for judges, attorneys, public prosecutors and law officers. Nine international programmes have also been conducted in the premises of the Shari`ah Academy IIUI, in which the Judges of Kazakhstan, Judicial officers of the Philippines, and the members of the Afghan judiciary participated. The department of training of the Academy has also organized five Regional Programmes of the International Training series; two in the Philippines, two in South Africa, and another in Srilanka. Moreover, 42 Shari`ah Courses for Lawyers have been conducted in Islamabad and 35 Regional Courses of this category at different major cities of the country i.e. Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Multan, Bahawalpur, Abbottabad Faisalabad, Sialkot, and Muzaffarabad… et.c. The Department of Training has also started a series of specialized orientation courses (10 days duration). Apart from this, the Department has recently extended its programmes to Madaris in the form of Law orientation course and Jadeed Maeeshat wa Tijarat (Islamic Banking and Finance) course for Mufties and Dars-e-Nizami Graduates. A three months comprehensive training program was held for mufties of deeni madaris during November 2014- January 2015. Another function of the Training Department is to organize seminars, workshops, national and International conferences on various themes within field of Islamic Law.