
One of the main objectives of the Academy is to promote Islamic legal philosophy, and the Islamic concept of justice, through the production of Islamic legal literature and make it accessible to the members of judicial services, lawyers, Shari‘ah, and law students, university graduates, Ulama, and Muftis. For this purpose, the Department of Research & Publications has been established in the Academy. This department is responsible for carrying out research and translation work and to produce Shari‘ah and law-related material.


The Department of Research and Publication has so far published 140 titles which include books, monographs, translations, and units of various correspondence courses in Islamic law. A brief overview of the Academy’s publications is as follow:


The object of the project is to produce original research work on different topics of Islamic law and contemporary legal issues.


The objective of this project is to produce research-oriented booklets on various relevant topics in Urdu and English languages. The average volume of each monograph is up to 100 pages.


To provide the common readers with access to the original sources of Islamic law and to the work of Arab scholars on contemporary issues, the Academy has undertaken its translation programme. The focus of this program is on two main categories viz. Urdu translation of multi-volume reference books and Urdu translation of modern publications of Arab scholars on current legal issues from the Islamic perspective. Some significant books of Islamic law were selected in this regard and some of which have already been published, whereas work on others is in progress.

Current Projects:

The department is currently working on a Urdu translation of نظرية المصلحة a book of Dr. Hussein Hamed Hassan along with a book on rules pertaining to advocacy in Islam.