The Shari’ah Academy maintains a Reference Library at its premises. It was established in 1986 with the ambition to develop a comprehensive collection on Islamic Law to meet the information needs of research scholars associated with the Academy as well as to facilitate the participants of Shari’ah Training Courses offered by the Academy.
At present, the library comprises a rich collection of 8976 books and journals on the subjects of Qur’anic Studies, Hadith Studies, Sirah, Islamic law, and Anglo-Saxon law. The collection is significant for it contains the original source material on Islamic law in Arabic as well as Urdu and English translations of significant texts of the original source material, and in addition to that, an important assortment of modern legal works by Muslim and non-Muslim scholars.
The library subscribes to eight journals in English and Urdu languages regularly and receives 25 (twenty-five) scholarly journals in various languages as a gratis.
Membership facilities are only available to the Shari’ah Academy scholars who are by their nature of job engaged in research activities and the participants of Shari’ah Training Courses. However, the faculty members of other faculties of IIUI as well as the students from IIUI and other Universities, and the scholars coming from outside the Capital City for research purposes are also accommodated. The library provides the facility of lending books only to its members and the participants of the courses arranged by the Academy.
The efforts are underway to computerize the entire library collection for efficient information storage and retrieval to facilitate scholars and researchers in their academic endeavors.