Welcome to Sharī‘ah Academy
The Shariah Academy was initially founded as an Institute of Training in Shari’ah and Legal Profession in 1981 to fulfill the task of training of those associated with legal profession in various capacities. However, the Institute was elevated to the status of an Academy to become a constituent unit of the International Islamic University in 1985.
Five-Day Law Orientation Course commences at Sharī‘ah Academy
A five-day law orientation course for Ulamas and Madrassa graduates hascommenced at the Shariah Academy, International…
66th Regular Shariah Course concludes at Sharī‘ah Academy
Islamabad, 24th January, 2025 – Sharī‘ah Academy, International Islamic University Islamabad has successfully concluded 66th Regular…
پانچ روزہ قانون آگاہی کورس برائے فضلائے دینی مدارس
شریعہ اکیڈمی، بین الاقوامی اسلامی یونیورسٹی اسلام آباد کے زیر اہتمام دینی مدارس کے فضلائے کرام…
تیسرا آگاہی کورس – اسلام کا قانون وراثت
شریعہ اکیڈمی کے زیر اہتمام "اسلام کے قانون وراثت" پر تین روزہ آگاہی کورس کا انعقاد…