The Shariah Academy organized Two-Day Workshop for Females on “Upbringing and Cognitive Development of Children: An Islamic Perspective” in which prominent scholars and experts acquainted the participants with various important areas.
Opening Ceremony of the programme was held on 21 December, 2021. The Director-General, Shariah Academy, Professor Dr.Farkhanda Zia Mansoor welcomed the Chief Guest, Dr. Hathal Homoud Alotaibi, Worthy President, International Islamic University Islamabad, other delegates and the participants.
The Chief Guest, Dr. Hathal Homoud Alotaibi, Worthy President, IIUI addressed the participants in the inaugural session and said that the Islamic society and Islamic teachings have given much importance and also acknowledged vital role of women and contribution towards societal development. He added that women rights are equally important in any society and they deserve special respect as Islam generously guards and supports women rights.
The Worthy President urged that women have to play role in progress of the Muslim world. He emphasized that universities must address issues of society and must work as solution provider platforms. He appreciated the Shariah Academy for organizing such important prorammes and hoped such efforts should continue. In the program, the IIUI President also inaugurated the new website of the Shariah academy. Later, he also visited the renovated library of the academy where he was briefed about various sections.
The Director-General, Shariah Acaddemy added in her speech that this programme aims to highlight the role of women in training and character building of the younger generation, it focuses on the scholastic review of the negative effects of domestic violence and psychological stress on children, the tendency toward crime in children and the causes and prevention of extreme behavior and on other relevant important issues.
Among the guests and prominent speakers were, Ms.Syma Nadeem (Member National Assembly and Parliamentary Secretary for Inter Provincial Coordination), Ms.Huma Chughtai (Director Coordination, Federal Judicial Academy), Ms.Naila Chohan (Former Ambassador and Diplomat of Pakistan), Dr.Samia Raheel Qazi, Dr.Naurneen Sahar (Former MNA, Chairperson Council of Trustees International Muslim Women Union, Member of CII and NCHD), Dr.Anwarullah, Dr.Nazia Iqbal, Dr.Tasneem Fatima, Ms.Shagufta Umar and Dr.Maimoona Ismail Loona, who delivered thought provoking lectures. More than two hundred participants from Rawalpindi, Islamabad and other cities attended this event.
Professor.Dr.Massom Yasinzai, Worthy Rector, IIUI concluded the workshop as Chief Guest and presented shields to the guest speakers and distributed certificates among the participants.