A Five-Day Law Orientation Course for the graduates of Deeni Madaris (Islamic Seminaries) was conducted by Sharī‘ah Academy, International Islamic University Islamabad from 22 – 26 April 2024.
Around 40 Muftis, Ulama, Imams, and Graduates of Deeni Madaris from all over the country participated in this course. Lectures on various topics ranging from the Legal and Judicial system of Pakistan, Civil, Criminal, and Family laws of Pakistan, and International Human Rights and Humanitarian Laws were held.
Prominent scholars in their fields including Prof. Dr. Ata Ullah Faizi, Director-General (Sharī‘ah Academy), Dr. Ikram ul Haq Yaseen, Secretary (Council of Islamic Ideology), Dr. Motiur Rehman, Senior Advisor (Federal Shariat Court), Prof. Dr. Azhar Qayyum, Chairman Pathology Dept. (NUST), Dr. Ziaullah Rahmani, Regional Advisor (ICRC), Syed Shabbir Ahmad Kakakhel (Prominent Religious Scholar), Prof. Dr. Hafiz Tayyab Nadeem HOD Islamic Studies (FAST University), Dr. Saqib Jawad, Civil Judge and Faculty Member (Federal Judicial Academy), Prof. Dr. Abdul Haye Abro, Chairman (Department of Fatwa Studies), Dr. Shams ul Haq, Chairman (Department of Training), Dr. Abdulkareem Usman, Assist. Professor (FSL, IIUI), Dr. Abdulhameed, HoD (DDL), Mr. Hafiz Ahmad Waqas, Lecturer (Department of Training), and Mr. Atiq Ahmad, Research Investigator (DRP) interacted with the participants.
The conclusion ceremony of the course was held on Friday 26th April 2024 in which the Director-General thanked Prof. Dr. Samina Malik, the worthy Rector (IIUI), and Prof. Dr. Hatal Hamoud Al-Otaibi, the worthy President (IIUI) for their immense support to all the faculties and constituent units of the University and especially Shariah Academy all of which made this course a reality, the participants further congratulated the Academy for the successful conduction of the course. The Director-General Sharī‘ah Academy distributed certificates among the course participants, he also thanked the participants and the Faculty and Staff of Sharī‘ah Academy who were essential in the success of the course.