Sharī‘ah Academy, International Islamic University, Islamabad has conducted a One-Day Seminar for Females on: “The Role of Aalimat (Women Religious Scholars) in Creating Peace in the Society” on 26 January 2022. The Seminar was aimed to know what female religious fraternity contributed to the creation of peace in society and what and how the next plans should be in the future.
During the Seminar, the following prominent scholars and experts have contributed their valuable thoughts on the topic. Prof. Dr. Farkhanda Mansoor (Director-General Sharī‘ah Academy) The Chief guests Madam Nailah Chohan (Ex Pakistani Ambassador), Allamah Dr. Muhammad Tahir Ashrafi (SAPM), and Madam Fia Paracha, along with Dr. Noreen Sehar (Associate Professor Anthropology IIUI), Dr. Amna Mahmood (IR Dept. IIUI), Dr. Mamoona Ismail Loona (Assistant Professor), Ms. Shagufta Umar (Assistant Professor, Da’wah Academy), Madam Amat tul Mahdi (Jamia Khadija tul Kubra), and Madam Ghazalah Ghalib delivered their thought-provoking lectures during the Seminar. Dozens of female lawyers, activists, and students from all over Pakistan have participated in the Seminar, which concluded with the Director-General Sharī‘ah Academy presenting commemorative shields to the guest speakers and distributing certificates to the participants.