A five-day law orientation course for Ulamas and Madrassa graduates has
commenced at the Shariah Academy, International Islamic University (IIU),
Islamabad. This pioneering program is designed to bridge the gap between
traditional religious teachings and contemporary legal systems focused to
enhance the understanding of Pakistan’s legal and judicial system. There are
more than 50 participants are attending the course from across Pakistan.
The course aims to equip Ulemas with essential knowledge of Pakistan’s legal
system, particularly in areas of constitutional, criminal, family and civil laws as
well as international human rights.
While addressing the participants at the opening ceremony, Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Akram, Director General Shariah Academy emphasized the objectives of the
course and hoped that the course would enable the Ulema to understand Islamic
and Pakistan’s legal framework effectively.
“The course will strengthen the ability of Ulama’s to offer well-informed
opinions to their circles regarding legal issues.” said Dr. Akram.
He further said that such training initiatives seek to reinforce the role of the
Ulama as responsible community leaders. Dr Akram also underlined the
significance of practical applications of Islamic law within the context of
Pakistan’s legal structure.
He further highlights the importance to promote dialogue between Islamic
principles and the existing legal system, fostering an understanding of areas of
commonality and divergence.