Council of the Shari’ah Academy

The Sharī‘ah Academy works under the guidance of the Council of the Sharī‘ah Academy which supervises the activities of the Academy and lays down a broader framework for achieving the objectives of the Academy.

The Council is headed by the President of the International Islamic University, Islamabad, and its members are chosen from amongst the scholars and academicians for their knowledge and vast experience. Since its establishment, 16 meetings have been held.

President, International Islamic University, IslamabadChairman
A Scholar appointed by the BOG in consultation with the PresidentVice-Chairman
One representative of the Board of Trustees Member
One representative of the Board of Governors Member
One eminent scholar not belonging to the IIUI nominated by the President Member
One of the Vice-Presidents nominated by the President Member
Three eminent scholars/experts/judges appointed by the BOG Member
Director-General, Sharī‘ah Academy Member